
  1. Blogely AI writer assistance

    New Feature

    Blogely AI writer options

    The AI writer assistant for content creators in Blogely was announced a few months ago. We are very excited to share with you the first version of the AI Assistant and how we envision the content creation process.



    Below is a list of the current AI features in Blogely’s content writing assistant. ​



    Please submit suggestions on our Roadmap if you would like to see more options added.


    What is special about Blogely approach?

    Few things that make Blogely unique.

    • #1. ALL-IN-ONE. It is not just an AI app. It has everything you need to manage end-to-end workflow for your content creation. Research, organization of all (snippets, notes, videos, files, links.. etc) content assets, SEO optimization, workflow management, collaboration, integrated publishing to WordPress (and other CMS), and a lot more…


    • #2. The SPLIT-SCREEN approach. An easy in-editor interface with a unique view. You can easily access any saved asset type (notes, files, videos, AI snippets, etc.).


    • #3. VIDOENOTES It is a special screencast feature that is similar to Loom or CloudApp. Save video recordings for future reference like notes. Collaborate using video recordings. Assign or unassign video recordings to documents and articles.


    In-editor AI writer

    It is hard to keep up with all the companies offering content creation AI software.

    Many of them offer a wide range of options and deliver results that are more or less up to the expectations of picky users. Built-in AI editor that allows more than just copy and paste – it creates content on the click. An AI text editor not only edits and formats plain text but also embeds AI functionality into it.

    Here is the screenshot of the in-app Blogely AI writer.





    Use of credits for AI requests

    Credits can help you save money on content creation by ensuring that you only pay for what you use. You would only be charged for the amount of content you generate using AI that was created. This can help you save money on content creation by only paying for what you use.

    You will be charged every time (in credits) you click on the button and request a response. Note that you can also add content to the already created snippet by clicking on the “+” icon.

    Clicking on the icon “Regenerate” – will replace the content in the same group.



    Help with an article outline

    An AI writing assistant uses data to learn what good writing looks like, and then uses predictive analysis and (NLP) to help you write better. AI writing assistants are becoming more powerful and are a good way to overcome writer’s block.


    You can use Blogely’s AI outline generator to get not only the outline but also ideas for your next topic using it as a generator.


    This is just one small example of how you can use AI Outline builder.


    Selecting AI brings you to this view. You need to choose the general topic and add the keywords you want to emphasize. The keywords you provide will direct AI responses in the direction you desire.




    Blogely split-screen view of AI writer assistance

    One of the biggest advantages of using Blogely is a split screen feature that allows content creators easy and convenient navigation to content storage and fast access to any previously saved digital assets. It works like a digital hub.


    It is your personal assistant.

    Use AI writer in Blogely as your personal assistance.


    Choose the best for your needs

    All Ai-generated snippets are being stored in the Blogely content hub for future reference.


    You can always reuse it by simply selecting the filter to “All” and finding for your need from your storage.

    Use bookmarks to highlight snippets as your favorites.




    AI summarizer saves you time

    Blogely creates article summaries using AI writer. A summary can be generated for all or selected blocks.




    Make an AI writer assistant a part of your blogging life

    ​It is true that the hype around AI writing assistants is real. Jumping on board early will benefit your content creation efforts. Writers, freelancers, and content professionals will benefit greatly from Blogely’s artificial intelligence writing assistant.




  2. Upgrade UI and UX for Blogely

    New Feature

    In this upgrade, we focus primarily on UX and UI design improvements. The value of a UX or UI redesign is measured by how efficient it makes you. Anyone appreciates and notices any small changes that improve your workflow productivity.


    We moved horizontal tabs inside the article outline view to the left panel menu.




    Why update UX and UI?

    • Making it more logical and intuitive,
    • Making it more powerful as well as cohesive,
    • Making clear and consistent navigation


    Inside the block editor, check the menu on the left panel.




    Use AI for outline creation

    Generate 3 versions of outline in seconds.




  3. Dashboard for content creators & their teams

    New Feature

    Manage your content creation process in one place with Blogely Content Creators Dashboard.


    Set your goals

    Set weekly goals and measure your progress. I have found that weekly tracking is the most effective timeframe.


    Visualize the progress

    Understand how well you are doing in the daily heatmap view of progress. Learn when you and your team are the least productive, so you can work on improvements.



    Track your team performance

    See how your team members are performing.




    Graphical view of blog posts activity

    View the articles you have published in the last 6 weeks and your planned posts for the next 4 weeks side by side.


    Graphical view of social media activity

    View the social media posts you have published in the last 6 weeks and your planned activities for the next 4 weeks side by side.




  4. Focus mode for writers

    New Feature

    Focus mode - is a new feature for writers in Blogely.

    We have just released a new addition - FOCUS MODE. This feature was requested by many writers who want a destruction-free mode and a better focus on writing.

    ​It fades out everything in the block text editor except for the writing space that you are currently working on to stay in the flow and focus.​

    Clicking on this icon in the block editor view will take you to focus mode, which helps you concentrate on writing.

    Blogely- block focus mode view 2


    Return to the normal block editor by clicking the "End focus mode" icon.

    Blogely- block focus mode end


  5. The Roadmap - interview with the founder.


    My YouTube channel The Roadmap now hosts a series of interviews with startup founders.

    In this interview, we have Uyi Abraham. Founder of Vonza.

    About big dreams, Nigeria, $200 in the pocket, survival, hustle, growth. Mistakes and errors. Building a team, thriving. Lessons learned.

    What does it take to be a founder of a startup? Can these skills be learned and developed? As part of this series, we ask questions, listen to their stories, and look for common traits.

    A startup is the right choice for those who wish to be one of the movers and shakers of our time if they are passionate about the business they wish to build and the problems they wish to solve.



  6. Blogely UI upgrade



    We know that responsive and intuitive user interface design can lead to better onboarding and app usage results.

    We are rolling out the new Blogely UI upgrade and here are some principles we have followed.



    Simplicity. A simple user interface is better. We avoid unnecessary elements or design elements that could lead to confusion.


    Consistency. To ensure that users understand the application quickly, we used familiar UI elements throughout the application.


    Easy navigation. We make sure that the menu is not hard to find. We make sure each part of the app is clearly labeled in the navigation menu and place them in strategic places so users can find them quickly.


    Appropriate typography. We tested different typographies and chose the one that suits our brand.


    Suitable colors and textures. We made sure to use colors and textures appropriately to grab your attention.


    Effective user control. We gave you as much control as possible, including default options, flexibility, and more.


    Optimal accessibility. We made sure that the user interface is accessible and visible to any type of user, and that the user can get where they need to go.




  7. Outline Multi-blocks

    New Feature

    Create an outline with multiple blocks with one click - "Multi-blocks".

    If you want to create an outline and fill in multiple blocks in a modal window, you can do it now. Click the New button and when you have written the title of the first block, click ENTER (instead of the OK button).





  8. Updates & bug fixes in October 2021

    • Fixed styles in Research Doc.
    • Fixed outline (for RD) - lost visibility to the last block.
    • Fixed sequencing issue of blocks in the outline.
    • Fixed filters on content Marketplace main view.
    • Added bookmarks and counts.
    • Marketplace page "Talents" fixes: filters, favorites become clickable, cut letters in profile description are fixed, adding a profile to favorites, search box.
    • Settings>Freelancer: added placeholder messages.


    New feature added:

    • Create an outline with multiple blocks in one click - "Multiblock"


  9. Extracting ext and images from PDF Files

    New Feature

    If you want to grab a text from a PDF file, it's fine to open the file in a PDF viewer and copy and paste the content. However, sometimes you have a longer PDF document from which you want to extract all the text and images to reuse it in some way. Blogely can help you do that by parsing the PDF from the document into your article or research document.


    All you need to do is import a PDF file into your article or research doc.

    Import PDF as the article:




    Extract PDF into an existing article:




    Imported data (text and images) is added to an existing article and divided into blocks. Each block = 1 page PDF.


    Extract PDF into an existing Research Doc:




    Same as in the article imported data (text and images) is added to an existing article and divided into blocks. Each block = 1 page PDF.



  10. Updates and bug fixes in September 2021

    New Feature
    • Fixed pagination in the article’s in Outline view: if the user changes blocks in the “Load more” mode – blocks will be shown on the right side.
    • Fixed SEO score - it must show a score for a selected primary keyword.
    • Fixed insertion of a long URL in Settings/Integrations "Connected services"


    Added feature: Google Doc, blog article URL

    Now users can import additional content directly into the existing article.








    Added feature: PASTE TEXT


    Now users can paste text in a special window. Blogely will convert this text into multiple blocks if H2 headers are used.





    Added importing content into Research Doc.




    Added additional price plan: FREELANCER

    It is meant to be for users (obviously, freelancers) who do not need a CMS website connection and produce work only for their clients.

    Improvements on Freelancer plan: export to Clipboard, added a dynamic update of the selected price plan after the coupon has been applied.


